The Driving Force takes anyone who has cancer and is registered with a GP in Bonnybridge, Denny or Banknock to hospital appointments for FREE.

News and Events

Sad news

9 Apr 2023

We all miss Gill Tonge who died in March after a short illness. Gill was passionately committed to The Driving Force. She volunteered as a co-ordinator and then developed into the organiser of the co-ordinator rota and co-ordinator trainer. She helped improve the way we work and gave the committee lots of support. She was always enthusiastic and smiling and ready to take on extra jobs even when she was very busy at home and work. Gill’s family and friends donated the amazing sum of £550 from her funeral collection and more donations are still coming in; a fantastic tribute to this unique lady. We all wish to give our deeply felt condolences to Gill’s family.

Relaxation and mindfulness course.

18 Feb 2023

The Driving Force are running another of their very successful mindfulness courses. The course is free and is for anyone living with cancer and their family and carers. It will take place at Denny library on Thursday mornings from 20th April-1st June (missing out 11th May) from 10.30 until 12. Our previous courses have been a great help to those to attended. They help to deal with the stress that cancer can cause, improve sleep and make it easier to relax. If you would like more information or to take part please leave your name and phone number with your Bonnybridge or Denny GP receptionist.

Flower of the Forth Lodge of Freegardeners

11 Jan 2023

Many thanks to the Flower of the Forth Lodge of Freegardeners who gave us an amazingly generous donation of £500. The picture shows Bridget McCalister receiving the cheque from one of our drivers, Stewart Jeffray and Brian Wright who are both members of the lodge.

Coffee morning

30 Jul 2022

Many thanks to everyone who organised, helped at, baked for and attended the fantastic coffee morning. Thanks also to St Helen's for once again letting us use their superb facilities and beautiful china.

We raised an incredible £1,400. It was really lovely to see people face to face and chat, and judging by the noise level everyone who came had a good blether. The baking was it's usual incredible standard. Nothing was wasted as the left over baking, tea and coffee etc were all gratefully received by the local foodbank, Roots. We really appreciate all the support we get locally.

Allandale Bowling Club donation

23 Nov 2021

Many thanks to Allandale Bowling Club for an amazing donation of £2000. The club organised a number of events and raffles and visiting clubs and individual members also made generous donations. They also let us use the club to hold our committee meetings now we can meet face to face again.

Event: Bonnybridge Bowling Club generosity

Many thanks to the members of Bonnybridge Bowling Club who have donated the amazing total of £1662.00 which they raised on the day of the Peter Shaw Trophy match. Over the years the trophy days have raised the incredible total of £25283.00 for charity. We know how much hard work and organisation it takes to do this and are very grateful for all the donations we have received from the club.

Driving during the pandemic

9 Oct 2020

The Driving Force is still driving during the pandemic for people who do not have someone who can take them to their appointment. We are following all the recommendations given us by Public Health to keep our passengers and drivers as safe as possible. People wear appropriate PPE, vehicles are cleaned and there is a screen between the front and the back of each car. Due to social distancing we can only take one passenger. We are also taking people living with cancer to their flu vaccinations either at Falkirk town hall or in Denny. If you would like to use our services please telephone your GP reception desk and leave your name and number and a coordinator will get in touch with you.

The Peter Shaw Trophy

19 Aug 2019

Many thanks to everyone at Bonnybridge Bowling Club who helped raise an incredible £1530 at the Peter Shaw Trophy is run each year with many bowlers taking part – it goes on all day and in between times there are raffles etc. Everyone taking part has a bacon roll in the morning followed by lunch and a fish supper at night. We are especially grateful as we have been beneficiaries in the past!!!

Event: Coffee morning

Many thanks to all those of you who helped run the coffee morning. We raised the amazing total of £950. As usual we had fantastic baking and a great atmosphere. If you brought family and friends to help please pass on our thanks to them. Thanks also to all those to attended and spent so generously and helped consume all the baking!


The Memorial Butterfly tree

23 Dec 2018

Many thanks to Linzi Barbour who organised butterfly memorial tree Banknock and to everyone who donated to The Driving Force in memory of loved ones that have passed away. Their names are written onto butterflies and a tree is decorated with them. The amazing total of £300 was donated to the Driving Force. A lovely way to remember, at this time of year, those we love who are no longer with us.

Are you living with cancer?

Anybody with cancer who is registered at either Bonnybridge, Banknock, Denny Cross, or Carronbank Health Centre can use our drivers to take them to and from hospital appointments and treatment sessions for cancer

Information for patients


Everyone involved in The Driving Force is a volunteer. Find out how you can get involved.

Get involved

Scottish Charity Number SC036792